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以赛亚书7:10-16——以马内利 以赛亚书7:10-16——以马内利 经文:以赛亚书7:10-16
题目:以马内利 Hosea何西亚书11:1 Matthew马太福音2:15 Deuteronomy申命记6:16 Isaiah以赛亚书8:3 Matthew马太福音1:22-23 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Dec 25 | |
出埃及记22:1-15——造成产业的亏损 出埃及记22:1-15——造成产业的亏损 经文:出埃及记22:1-15
题目:造成产业的亏损 Galatians加拉太书3:22, 24 韦敏斯德公认信条(19:3, 4):
Second Timothy提摩太后书3:16-17 1-4节:第一部分 5-6节:第二部分 7-13节:第三部分 14-15节:第四部分 Obadiah俄巴底亚书15 Code of Hammurabi:if a seignior made a breach in a house, they shall put him to death in front of that breach and wall him in. If a seignior committed robbery and has been caught, that seignior shall be put to death 22:12:But if it is actually stolen from him | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Dec 18 | |
路 1 : 67 - 79 路 1 : 67 - 79 路 1 : 67 - 79 | 林慈信牧师 | 2016 Dec 11 | |
撒上24:1-15——在上帝的手中 撒上24:1-15——在上帝的手中 撒上24:1-15——在上帝的手中
撒上23 : 4, 7,11-12, 14, 17, 20 撒上24 : 4, 6, 10-13, 18, 20 撒上25 : 26, 30-31, 33 撒上26 : 30-31, 33 (一)勿把事情 放在自己手中 (二)把事情 放在上帝手中 (三)向他人伸出恩典之手 | 赵丝丝老师 | 2016 Dec 4 | |
出埃及记21: 28-36——人与动物的区别 出埃及记21: 28-36——人与动物的区别 经文:出埃及记21: 28-36
题目:人与动物的区别 Voltaire:what a pitiful, what a sorry thing to have said that animals are machines bereft of understanding and feeling Darwin:Animals whom we have made our slaves we do not like to consider our equals. – do not slave holders wish to make the black man other kind? Jonah约拿书4:11;First Corinthians歌林多前书9:9-10 Psalms诗篇8:4-8 Genesis创世纪9:5-6 Romans罗马书8:31-32 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Nov 27 | |
出埃及记21:12-27——人伤害人 出埃及记21:12-27——人伤害人 经文:出埃及记21:12-27
题目:人伤害人 Genesis 创世纪6-9 Genesis 创世纪9:5-6 First Kings 列王纪上1:50; 2:28;2:31-32 Deuteronomy申命记24:7 Proverbs箴言13:24 Acts 使徒行传2:22-23 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Nov 20 | |
箴言2 : 6-8 ——生命的道路 箴言2 : 6-8 ——生命的道路 箴言2 : 6-8 ——生命的道路 吴盈盈传道 | 吴盈盈传道 | 2016 Nov 13 | |
出埃及记21 : 1-11——作永远的仆人 出埃及记21 : 1-11——作永远的仆人 经文:出埃及记21 : 1-11
题目:作永远的仆人 Leviticus 利未记25:39-55; Deuteronomy申命记15:12-18 Exodus出埃及记24:3 Eshnunna,Code53:if an ox gores another ox and thus causes its death, the two ox-owners shall divide the value of the living ox and the carcass of the dead ox Exodus出埃及记的21:35 Eshnunna,Code54:if an ox is a gorer and the ward authorities so notify its owner, but he fails to keep his ox in check and it gores a man and thus causes his death, the owner of the ox shall weigh and deliver 40 shekels of silver。 Exodus出埃及记21:29-30 Hammurabi,Code117:If an obligation is outstanding against a man and he sells or gives into debt service his wife, his son, or his daughter, they shall perform service in the house of their buyer or of the one who holds them in debt service for three years; their release shall be secured in the fourth year Deuteronomy申命记15:12, 15 Ephesians以弗所书6:5-9 Leviticus利未记25:44-46 Leviticus利未记25:39-43 Deuteronomy申命记15:13-14 Deuteronomy申命记15:12 Deuteronomy申命记15:7-8 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Nov 6 | |
出埃及记20 : 22-26——祭坛的不足 出埃及记20 : 22-26——祭坛的不足 经文:出埃及记20:22-26
题目:祭坛的不足 Exodus 出埃及记22:1 Deuteronomy 申命记12:5-6 this is about the time in the book of Exodus when commentators and readers of commentaries and listeners of sermons get bored. I'm not going to let you get bored Genesis创世纪8:20;12:7-8;26:25;35:1;Exodus 出埃及记17:15 First Kings列王纪上8:29 Exodus出埃及记27:1-8 Philip Graham Ryken:God did not want his people to build a fancy altar that might distract them from offering real praise Philip Graham Ryken:God alone has the right to determine how he wants to be worshiped… they had to build it according to God’s instruction Exodus 出埃及记28:42-43 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Oct 30 | |
出埃及记20:18-21——十诫的结语 出埃及记20:18-21——十诫的结语 经文:出埃及记20:18-21
题目:十诫的结语 Exodus出埃及记24:7 Numbers民数记11 司布真:The terrible grandeur may also have been intended to suggest to the people the condemning force of the law. Not with sweet sound of harp, nor with the song of angels, was the law given; but with an awful voice from amid a terrible burning. Not in itself is the law condemnatory; for if there could have been life by any law, it would have been by this law: but by reason of man’s sinfulness, the law worketh wrath; and to indicate this, it was made public with accompaniments of fear and death: the battalions of Omnipotence marshaled upon the scene; the dread artillery of God, with awful salvos, adding emphasis to every syllable. The tremendous scene at Sinai was also in some respects a prophecy, if not a rehearsal, of the day of Judgment Deuteronomy申命记5:5 司布真:Testing has a practically good effect in slaying self-confidence, and driving you to put your confidence where God would have it rest. | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Oct 16 | |
以弗所书3:12-13——进到神面前 以弗所书3:12-13——进到神面前 经文:以弗所书3:12-13
题目:进到神面前 Numbers 民数记 25 Acts 使徒行传 4:31 Job 约伯记 9:13-23 First Peter 彼得前书 1:7;Romans 罗马书 8:29;Second Corinthians 歌林多后书 12:9 Second Timothy 提摩太后书 2:9-10 Second Corinthians 歌林多后书 4:12 John 约翰福音 12:24 Sinclair Ferguson:The life that refuses to sacrifice for others (the seed that refuses to ‘die’) will remain alone, in solitude, unconnected to the fellowship of God’s people. | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Oct 9 | |
诗篇78 : 10,37——圣约 诗篇78 : 10,37——圣约 诗篇78 : 10,37——圣约 | 林仲珉传道 | 2016 Oct 2 | |
出埃及记20:17——第十条诫命 : 不可贪心(二) 出埃及记20:17——第十条诫命 : 不可贪心(二) 经文:出埃及记20:17
题目:第十条诫命:不可贪心(二) First Kings 列王纪上21:1-4 Deuteronomy申命记11:10 Matthew Henry: But to desire any thing inordinately, though we would compass it by lawful means, is a fruit of selfishness, as if we must engross all the conveniences, and none must live, or live comfortably, by us, contrary to the law of contentment, and the letter of the tenth commandment, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house James雅各书4:1-3 Hebrews希伯来书13:5 Duoma:Your own house is the best one for you, your own spouse is the most pretty or handsome for you, in your own job lies the most fruitful development or your abilities, even though your house many smaller than your neighbor’s, though your wife maybe less attractive than other women, though your job may rank lower on the scale of values than those of your friends and acquaintances, and so on. Proverbs箴言30:8-9 Philippians腓力比书3:7-8 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Sep 25 | |
出埃及记20 : 17——第十条诫命:不可贪心(一) 出埃及记20 : 17——第十条诫命:不可贪心(一) 经文:出埃及记20:17
题目:第十条诫命:不可贪心(一) Exodus出埃及记20:17:不可贪爱你邻舍的房屋;不可贪爱你邻舍的妻子、仆婢、牛驴和他的任何东西。 Deuteronomy申命记5:21:不可贪爱你邻舍的妻子;不可贪图你邻舍的房屋、田地、仆婢、牛驴和你邻舍的任何东西。 Romans罗马书13:9 Genesis创世纪2:9 Genesis创世纪3:6 John Frame:we are talking…. about desires to get things by breaking God’s law. Van Reken:covers all the other commandments; makes it legitimate to apply all the other commandments to desire/intentions as well as actions Rabbi:You know, one of the greatest differences between our two religions is this idea that you’ve committed a sin just by desiring or thinking it. We believe you have to actually commit the physical act before it’s really sin. Otherwise, we’d be sinning all the time! Charles Swindoll: It was Spring, but it was Summer I wanted: The warm days and the great outdoors. It was Summer, but it was Fall I wanted: The colorful leaves and the cool, dry air. It was Fall, but it was Winter I wanted: The beautiful snow and the joy of the holiday season. It was Winter, but it was Spring I wanted: The warmth and the blossoming of nature. I was a child, and it was adulthood I wanted: The freedom and the respect. I was 20, but it was 30 I wanted: To be mature and sophisticated. I was middle-aged, but it was 20 I wanted: The youth and the free spirit. I was retired, but it was middle-aged I wanted: The presence of mind without limitations. My life was over, and I never got what I wanted. James雅各书1:14 John Calvin:it destroys wretched man so secretly that he does not even feel its fatal stab. | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Sep 18 | |
以弗所书3 : 9-11——显出神智慧的教会 以弗所书3 : 9-11——显出神智慧的教会 经文:以弗所书3:9-11
题目:显出神智慧的教会 First Peter彼得前书1:12 J I Packer:圣经称神是满有智慧的神,究竟是什么意思?圣经所言的智慧,同时包含了道德和智力这两方面的素质,它不僅是指到才智聪颖或知识渊博,也不僅表示机敏或灵巧。以圣经的含意来说,我们若要成为真正有智慧的人,我们的才智和聪明必须向正确的目标发展。智慧是一种能明辨事理的能力,一种懂得择善及追求最高崇目标的意向,并能掌握确切的途径来达成目标。事实上,智慧是善的具体表现。因此,惟独神才有完全的智慧。只有神才拥有自有永有,恒长不变和完全通达的智慧。。。神所行的事无不充满智慧。 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Sep 11 | |
出埃及记20 : 16—第九戒命(三):不可作假证供陷害你的邻舍 出埃及记20:16——第九条诫命(三):不可作假证供陷害你的邻舍 经文:出埃及记20:16
题目:第九条诫命:不可作假证供陷害你的邻舍(三) Second Kings列王纪上22:19-23 Job约伯记1:6-12 Matthew Henry:That God has many ways of bringing about his own counsels, particularly concerning the fall of sinners when they are ripe for ruin; he can do it either in this manner or in that manner … It is not without the divine permission that the devil deceives men, and even thereby God serves his own purposes. With him are strength and wisdom, the deceived and the deceivers are his, Job xii. 16. When he pleases, for the punishment of those who receive not the truth in the love of it, he not only lets Satan loose to deceive them (Rev. xx. 7, 8), but gives men up to strong delusions to believe him, 2 Thess. ii. 11, 12 Job约伯记12:16 Revelation20:7-8 Second Thessalonians帖撒罗尼迦后书2:11-12 Douma:Saying things that are true, but in the context of slander, is deceitful Psalm诗篇50:20 Proverbs箴言30:10 Proverbs箴言11:13 First Peter彼得前书4:8 Proverbs箴言11:13 Proverbs箴言22:1 Proverbs箴言25:23;10:18;16:28;20:19 Thomas Watson:He that raises a slander, carries the devil in his tongue; and he that receives it, carries the devil in his ear Proverbs箴言18:8 James雅各书3:1-12 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Sept 4 | |
出埃及记20 : 16—第九戒命(二):不可作假证供陷害你的邻舍 出埃及记20 : 16—第九戒命(二):不可作假证供陷害你的邻舍 经文:出埃及记20:16
题目:第九条诫命:不可作假证供陷害你的邻舍 First Samuel撒母耳记上16:1-5 Joshua约书亚记8:3-8 Joshua约书亚记2:4-6 James雅各书2:25 First Kings列王纪上22:19-23 John Frame:we have no obligation to tell the truth to people who, for example, seek innocent life We do make use of a sinister and dangerous means Wayne Grudem:Lying is affirming in speech or writing something you believe to be false Proverbs箴言11:13 John Calvin:As to the falsehood, we must admit that though it was done for a good purpose, it was not free from fault. For those who hold what is called a dutiful lie to be altogether excusable, do not sufficiently consider how precious truth is in the sight of God. Therefore, although our purpose be to assist our brethren… it can never be lawful to lie, because that cannot be right which is contrary to the nature of God. And God is truth Proverbs箴言3:5-6 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Aug 28 | |
出埃及记20 : 16—第九戒命(一):不可作假证供陷害你的邻舍 出埃及记20 : 16—第九戒命(一):不可作假证供陷害你的邻舍 经文:出埃及记20:16
题目:第九条诫命:不可作假证供陷害你的邻舍 Deuteronomy申命记19:15 Matthew马太福音18:15-17 Deuteronomy申命记17:6-7 Deuteronomy申命记19:18-20 问144:第九诫吩咐我们尽什么责任? 答: (一)保守并增进人与人之间的诚实,以及别人和我们自身的名誉; Matthew Henry:Thou shalt not bear false witness, v. 16. This forbids, 1. Speaking falsely in any matter, lying, equivocating, and any way devising and designing to deceive our neighbour. 2. Speaking unjustly against our neighbour, to the prejudice of his reputation; Hosea 何西亚书4:1-2:以色列人哪!你们要听耶和华的话。耶和华要与这地的居民争辩,因为在这地上没有诚实,没有慈爱,也没有认识神的知识;只有起假誓、撒谎、残杀、偷盗、奸淫、行强暴,以至流人血事件相继而来。 Psalm 诗篇5:6:你必灭绝说谎话的;好流人血和弄诡诈的,都是耶和华所憎恶的。 Psalm 诗篇58:3:恶人一出母胎,就走上歧路;他们一离母腹,就走偏了路,常说谎话。 Psalm 诗篇101:7:行诡诈的,必不得住在我的家里;说谎话的,必不能在我眼前坚立。 Proverbs 箴言30:8:求你使虚假和谎言远离我;不要使我贫穷,也不要使我富裕,只要给我需用的食物。免得我吃饱了,就不认你,说:‘耶和华是谁?’又恐怕我贫穷,就偷窃,污渎了我神的名 Proverbs 箴言12:22:撒谎的嘴唇是耶和华憎恶的;行事诚实是他所喜悦的。 Micah 弥迦书6:12:城里的财主充满了强暴,其中的居民也说假话;他们口中的舌头是诡诈的。 First Timothy 提摩太前书1:9-10:要知道律法本来不是为义人设立的,而是为那些无法无天和放荡不羁的、不敬虔和犯罪的、不圣洁和世俗的、弒父母和杀人的、淫乱的、亲男色的、拐带人口的、说谎话的、发假誓的,以及为其他抵挡纯正教训的人设立的。 Ephesians 以弗所书4:25:所以,你们要除掉谎言,各人要与邻舍说真话,因为我们彼此是肢体。 Colossians 歌罗西书3:9-10:不要彼此说谎,因为你们已经脱去了旧人和旧人的行为,穿上了新人。这新人照着他的创造者的形象渐渐更新,能够充分认识主。 Revelation 启示录21:8:只是那些胆怯的、不信的、可憎的、杀人的、淫乱的、行邪术的、拜偶像的和所有说谎的人,他们的分是在烧着硫磺的火湖里。这就是第二次的死。 Numbers民数记23:19 Romans 罗马书3:4 Titus 提多书1:2 John 约翰福音8:44 Acts 使徒行传4:32-37;5 First John 约翰一书1:10;2:10;4:20 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Aug 21 | |
以弗所书3:7-8—测不透的丰富 以弗所书3:7-8—测不透的丰富 经文:以弗所书3:7-8
题目:测不透的丰富 First Corinthians歌林多前书9 First Corinthians歌林多前书3:5 First Corinthians歌林多前书15:9 Peter O’Brian:We therefore find in Ephesians 3:2-7 the recurring emphasis that everything Paul has become and achieved in his apostolic mission is ‘not his own doing, but the result’ of God’s grace – God’s choice of him, God’s call to him, God’s enabling power | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Aug 14 | |
箴言9 : 10 ——敬畏耶和华 | 吴盈盈传道 | 2016 Aug 7 | |
彼得后书1 : 1-11——殷勤进天国 | 林裕涵传道 | 2016 Jul 31 | |
出埃及记20:15—第八条诫命:不可偷盗(三) 出埃及记20:15—第八条诫命:不可偷盗(三) 经文:出埃及记20:15
题目:第八条诫命:不可偷盗(三) Leviticus利未记27:30;Deuteronomy申命记26:12 First Samuel撒母耳记上8:10-18 Romans罗马书13:6 Imperial Cult Numbers民数记18:21-28 Malachi玛拉基书1:6-2:9 Ephesians以弗所书4:28 Ecclesiastes传道书2:24-25;5:18-19 Deuteronomy申命记15:7-8 Galatians加拉太书6:10 Deuteronomy申命记15:4 Acts使徒行传4:34 Every time I give, I declare that money does not control me. Perpetual generosity is a perpetual de-deification of money | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Jul 24 | |
出埃及记20:15—第八条诫命:不可偷盗(二) 出埃及记20:15—第八条诫命:不可偷盗(二) 经文:出埃及记20:15
题目:第八条诫命:不可偷盗(二) John Murray:the fear of God which is the basis of godliness First Timothy提摩太前书6:10 Matthew马太福音6 Luke路加福音16:10 约翰加尔文:偷窃的种类很多:有用暴力夺取他人财产的;有用欺诈骗取他人财物的;又有暗中用狡计,以正义为假面具,侵夺他人财物的;或以花言巧语,假捐赠的名义骗取财物的。我们不必把各种不同的偷窃一一详述;只要记得,凡偏离爱心,蓄意欺骗,或有损于人,以诡计骗取邻舍财物,都应视为偷窃。 海德堡要理问答第110:祂要禁止的,不限于受律法惩罚的、明显的偷窃或抢劫。在神的眼中,偷窃也包括以看似正当的图谋欺骗和诈取我们的邻舍,例如不准确地量度重量、大小或体积;欺诈性的交易;伪造货币;过度的利息;或任何其他神禁止的手段。 Jonathan Edwards:we should doubtless think we had just cause to complain Leviticus利未记25:23-24 Matthew马太福音25:14-30 Jerry Bridges: 1) what’s yours is mine; I’ll take it 2) what’s mine is mine; I’ll keep it 3) what’s mine is God’s, I’ll share it Proverbs箴言6:6-11 Second Thessalonians帖撒罗尼迦后书3:10 First Thessalonians帖撒罗尼迦前书4:11-12 Ephesians以弗所书4:28 Leviticus利未记27:30 Malachi玛拉基书3:8-10 Luke路加福音21:1-4 Acts使徒行传4 Joshua约书亚记7:11 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Jul 17 | |
以弗所书 3:5-7 -- 同作后嗣、同为一体、同蒙应许 以弗所书 3:5-7 -- 同作后嗣、同为一体、同蒙应许 经文:以弗所书3:5-7
题目:同作后嗣、同为一体、同蒙应许 Geerhardus Vos:the revelation process in history is organic so that the progression is “from seed-form to the attainment of full growth” Genesis创世纪3:15;3:21 Leviticus利未记25:23-28 Numbers民数记36;27:8-11 Isaiah以赛亚书19:22-24 Ezekiel以西结书47:21-23 Romans罗马书4:16 Galatians加拉太书3:26-29 First Kings列王纪上8:41-43 Isaiah以赛亚书2:2-3 Isaiah以赛亚书56:6-7 Romans罗马书4:13 Isaiah以赛亚书19:25 Zechariah撒迦利亚书9:9-10 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Jul 10 | |
路加福音10 : 25-37 —— 丰富的爱 | Pastor Leo Chan | 2016 Jul 3 | |
诗篇127~128 | 李健安牧师 | 2016 Jun 26 | |
出埃及记20:14-15—第七条诫命:不可奸淫(五); 第八条诫命:不可偷盗(一) 出埃及记20:14-15—第七条诫命:不可奸淫(五);第八条诫命:不可偷盗(一) 经文:出埃及记20:14-15
题目:第七条诫命:不可奸淫(五);第八条诫命:不可偷盗(一) First Timothy提摩太前书3:2 Deuteronomy申命记24:1-4 Luke路加福音16:18 Matthew马太福音5:32 图 Proverbs箴言11:1 John Calvin:偷窃的种类很多:有用暴力夺取他人财产的;有用欺诈骗取他人财物的;又有暗中用狡计,以正义为假面具,侵夺他人财物的;或以花言巧语,假捐赠的名义骗取财物的。我们不必把各种不同的偷窃一一详述;只要记得,凡偏离爱心,蓄意欺骗,或有损于人,以诡计骗取邻舍财物,都应视为偷窃。 海德堡要理问答第110:祂要禁止的,不限于受律法惩罚的、明显的偷窃或抢劫。在神的眼中,偷窃也包括以看似正当的图谋欺骗和诈取我们的邻舍,例如不准确地量度重量、大小或体积;欺诈性的交易;伪造货币;过度的利息;或任何其他神禁止的手段。 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Jun 19 | |
以弗所书3 : 2-4—保罗深知基督的奥秘 以弗所书3 : 2-4—保罗深知基督的奥秘 经文:以弗所书3:2-4
题目:保罗深知基督的奥秘 新译本:想必你们听过神恩惠的计划,他为你们的缘故赐恩给我。 和合本:掠必你们曾听见神赐恩给我,将关切你们的职分托付我。 NASB:if indeed you have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace which was given to me for you。 First Corinthians歌林多前书9:17 Ephesians以弗所书1:10 个人的翻译:想必你们听过有关神恩典的计划,这个恩典已经赐了给我,是为了你们的缘故。 Galatians加拉太书1:13-16 God’s grace which was given to me for you God’s grace which was given to Israel for all nations Galatians加拉太书1:12 Deuteronomy申命记29:29 First Peter彼得前书1:10 新译本的注释:在旧约圣经中,大部分先知都预言,神恩典的时代会在以色列和犹大被掳之后出现。他们知道神不但已经恩慈地应许了以色列将会复兴,祂还充满怜悯地应许外族人也会归入神的子民中间,众先知都不知道这些事情的详情,但是彼得说他们曾经渴望知道更多。 Second Peter彼得后书3:15-16 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Jun 12 | |
出埃及记20 : 14—第七条诫命:不可奸淫(四) 出埃及记20 : 14—第七条诫命:不可奸 淫(四) 经文:出埃及记20:14
题目:第七条诫命:不可奸淫(四) Matthew马太福音19 Malachi玛拉基书2:14-16 Romans罗马书7:2-3 韦敏斯德信仰告白24.5:若在婚后与人通奸,无罪的一方就可合法办理离婚手续,然后再与别人结婚,把犯罪的当作已经离世一样。 First Corinthians歌林多前书7:12-16 韦敏斯德信仰告白24.6:虽然人的腐败使人经常寻找不正当的论据,尝试分开神所结合的婚姻,但除了通奸,并教会和公民长官无法挽回的故意抛弃配偶外,其他的理由都不足以解除婚姻的约束。 John Frame:the important thing is that it is a renunciation of one’s marital vows...Spousal abuse is inconsistent with marital fidelity. Not every inconsistency is ground for divorce, surely. But sometimes violation of marital vows becomes so severe that no real commitment remains. PCA:the list of sins tantamount to desertion cannot be very long First Corinthians歌林多前书7:10-11 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Jun 5 | |
出埃及记20:14—第七条诫命:不可奸淫(三) 出埃及记20:14—第七条诫命:不可奸淫(三) 经文:出埃及记20:14
题目:第七条诫命:不可奸淫(三) John Frame:it is very unlikely that … masturbation… can be done without lust… It is, of course, abstractly possible for someone…. to masturbate with no fantasy at all. I will not claim that such detached involvement never exists. Dave Harvey:The joy that springs from pleasing our husband or wife is one reason sex was never designed to be a solo pursuit Leviticus利未记15:16-17 Leviticus利未记20:13;Judges士师记19:22-24;Romans罗马书1:26-27 Simon LeVay:the results do not allow one to decide if the size of INAH 3 in an individual is the cause or consequence of that individual’s sexual orientation Edward Welch: We truly do have an “orientation,” but it is a spiritual orientation that is against God. It is not a simple physical propensity 问139:第七诫禁止什么罪行? 答: (一)忽略当尽的责任,奸淫、污秽、强奸、乱伦、同性恋,以及所有违反天性的色欲; (二)各种不洁的想象、思想、意图和感情,说或听任何败坏肮脏的话语;淫荡的眼色,轻浮的举止,不正派的服饰; (五)懒惰、贪食、醉酒、与淫荡的人为伴; (六)黄色歌曲、书籍、图片、舞蹈、戏剧;以及其他一切导致我们自身和别人不洁的刺激或行动。 Second Samuel撒母耳记下11:1 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 May 29 | |
出埃及记20:14—第七条诫命:不可奸淫(二) 出埃及记20:14—第七条诫命:不可奸淫(二) 经文:出埃及记20:14
题目:第七条诫命:不可奸淫(二) Matthew马太福音15:19 First Corinthians歌林多前书5:1;Jude犹大书1:7 Exodus出埃及记22:16-17 Mark马可福音10:11;Luke路加福音16:18 Deuteronomy申命记22:13-22 Deuteronomy申命记22:29 First Cortinhians歌林多前书6:15-18 Hebrews希伯来书13:4 Matthew马太福音5:27-28 John Frame: 1) Lust is not sexual desire as such 2) nor is lust a general recognition of another person’s sexual attractiveness 4) nor, again, should we confuse lust with temptation James 雅各书1:14-15 John Frame: Lust is specifically the desire to engage in sexual acts that are contrary to God’s law。 John Frame: 3) nor is it lustful merely to view or imagine sexual relationships, though there are great dangers here Song of Songs雅歌7:6-8 Proverbs 箴言5:18-19 Romans罗马书8:31-39 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 May 22 | |
出埃及记20:14—第七条诫命:不可奸淫(一) 出埃及记20:14—第七条诫命:不可奸淫(一) 经文:出埃及记20:14
题目:第七条诫命:不可奸淫(一) 《经集》:他追求爱欲,心满意足,肯定感到高兴,因为实现了凡人的愿望。如果他满怀渴望,追求爱欲,却未能如愿,他就感到痛苦,犹如利箭穿身,避开爱欲,犹如不踩蛇头,这样的有识之士克服世上的这种执着。他贪求种种爱欲:田地、财产、金子、牛、马、仆人、妇女、亲属;这些脆弱的东西摆布他,危险折磨他,痛苦追随他,犹如河水涌入漏船。因此,有识之士应该永远避开爱欲;摒弃它们,舀出船中漏水,越过河水,到达彼岸。 马丁路德:My marriage would please my father, rile the pope, cause the angels to laugh and the devils to weep Leland Ryken:The Puritan doctrine of sex was a watershed in the cultural history of the West. The Puritans devalued celibacy, glorified compassionate marriage, affirmed married sex as both necessary and pure, established the ideal of wedded romantic love, and exalted the role of the wife Exodus出埃及记22:16-17;Deuteronomy申命记22:22-24 Second Samuel撒母耳记下20:2 Philip Graham Ryken:Sex is like superglue. When used properly, intercourse seals the bond of matrimony. It is the glue – the “covenant cement” C. S. Lewis:the male and the female were made to be combined together in pairs, not simply on a sexual level, but totally combined. The monstrosity of sexual intercourse outside marriage is that those who indulge in it are trying to isolate one kind of union (the sexual) from all the other kinds of union which were intended to go along with it and make up the total union Second Samuel撒母耳记下12:13-14 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 May 15 | |
出埃及记 20: 12—当孝敬父母 | 刘炳民老师 | 2016 May 8 | |
出埃及记20:13—第六条诫命:不可杀人(五) 出埃及记20:13 —第六条诫命:不可杀人(五) 经文:出埃及记20:13
题目:第六条诫命:不可杀人(五) John Frame: Liberal secularists tend to oppose killing in war and capital punishment, but to accept abortion and euthanasia. Biblical ethics, in my view, teaches the reverse. Genesis创世纪9:5-6 Wikipedia:Abolitionists believe capital punishment is the worst violation of human rights, because the right to lifeis the most important, and capital punishment violates it without necessity and inflicts to the condemned apsychological torture. Human rights activists oppose the death penalty, calling it "cruel, inhuman, and degrading punishment". Amnesty International considers it to be "the ultimate, irreversible denial of Human Rights". Penal Code 312:whoever voluntarily causes a woman with child to miscarry shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or with fine or with both; and if the woman is quick with child, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine. pro-choice vs pro-life Psalm诗篇139:13-16 Psalm诗篇51:5 Exodus出埃及记21:22-25 As a matter of principle, a person must have the right to terminate their own life, this is a fundamental principle of the right to life. | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 May 1 | |
出埃及记20:13—第六条诫命:不可杀人(四) 出埃及记20:13 —第六条诫命:不可杀人(四) 经文:出埃及记20:13
题目:第六条诫命:不可杀人(四) 问136:第六诫禁止什么罪行? 答: (一)以各种形式夺去我们和别人生命的行为,除非在公共司法、合法战争,或正当防卫的情况; Pacifism vs Just War Theory 奥古斯丁:Because his positionmakes obedience a duty Matthew马太福音26:52 Genesis创世纪15 Ephesians以弗所书6:17; Second Corinthians歌林多后书10:4-5 Romans罗马书13:4 Philip Graham Ryken:The Bible teaches that it is not unlawful to kill enemies in wartime, provided that the war is just Just Cause Just intention Last resort Formal declaration Limited objectives Proportionate means Noncombatant immunity Deuteronomy申命记20:10-15 Isaiah以赛亚书2:4 问136:第六诫禁止什么罪行? 答: (一)以各种形式夺去我们和别人生命的行为,除非在公共司法、合法战争,或正当防卫的情况; Exodus出埃及记22:2-3 Second Corinthians歌林多后书11 Philippians腓力比书1:23-24 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Apr 24 | |
出埃及记20 : 13—第六诫命:不可杀人(三) 出埃及记20 : 13—第六诫命:不可杀人(三) 出埃及记20 : 13——第六诫命:不可杀人(三)
申命记13 : 10-11 罗马书13 : 4 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Apr 17 | |
以弗所书3:1—为你们的缘故,作基督耶稣的囚犯 以弗所书3:1—为你们的缘故,作基督耶稣的囚犯 经文:以弗所书3:1
题目:为你们的缘故,作基督耶稣的囚犯 NASB:For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles Acts使徒行传9:15-16 Acts使徒行传22:19-22 Acts 使徒行传23:11 Acts使徒行传25:8-12 Acts使徒行传26:32 Philippians腓力比书1:12-14 End vs Means You as an end?You as a means to God’s end? | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Apr 10 | |
歌罗西书3 : 1-4—思念天上的事 | 吴盈盈传道 | 2016 Apr 3 | |
出埃及记20:13—第六条诫命:不可杀人(二)之复活节的奥秘 出埃及记20:13—第六条诫命:不可杀人(二)之复活节的奥秘 经文:出埃及记20:13
题目:第六条诫命:不可杀人(二)之复活节的奥秘 Matthew马太福音5:21-22 Mark马可福音3:1-6 First John约翰一书3:15 Proverbs箴言12:18 Leviticus利未记19:16-18 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Mar 27 | |
出埃及记20 : 13—第六条诫命:不可杀人(一) 出埃及记20 : 13—第六条诫命:不可杀人(一) 出埃及记20 : 13——第六条诫命:不可杀人(一)
申命记19 : 5 Philip Graham Ryken: you shall not kill unlawfully 民数记35 俄巴底亚1:15 出埃及记21:28-29 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Mar 20 | |
以弗所书2:20-22 —我们是神的居所 以弗所书2:20-22 —我们是神的居所 经文:以弗所书2:20-22
题目:我们是神的居所 NASB:having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets Matthew马太福音16:18 Ephesians以弗所书3:5;4:11 First Corinthians歌林多前书14 图片 The cornerstoneconcept is derived from the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation, important since all other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure. Revelation启示录1:1-2 NASB:in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord,in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit Peter O’Brien:The building is still under construction, which is another way of saying that the new community of God is growing and progressing to its ultimate goal of holiness, an objective that is not simply personal or individual but ... must be corporate as well | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Mar 13 | |
彼前2 : 5-10 | 林慈信牧师 | 2016 Mar 6 | |
出埃及记20 : 12 —第五诫命 : 要孝敬父母(六) 出埃及记20 : 12 —第五诫命 : 要孝敬父母(六) 林前14 : 33-36;提前2 : 11-14;
士4;珥2 : 28;使21 : 9;多1 : 5-7; 使20 : 28-31;王下22;提后3 : 6-7;2 : 12; 士17 : 6;18 : 1;19 : 1;21 :25; | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Feb 28 | |
出埃及记20 : 12 —第五诫命 : 要孝敬父母(五) 出埃及记20 : 12 —第五诫命 : 要孝敬父母(五) 出埃及记20 : 12——第五诫命 : 要孝敬父母(五)
创1 : 27-28 箴31 多2 : 5 创3 : 16,4 : 7 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Feb 21 | |
以弗所书2:19 以弗所书2:19 以弗所书2:19
我们是神的国民 我们是神家里的人 撒下21:2 Jew-Gentile Community 加3:29;4:21-31 彼前2:9-10 出19:6 罗4:13 撒下7:16 但2:44 申17:18-19 撒上8:6 出18:16 赛9:6-7 约10:28-29 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Feb 14 | |
以弗所书4:20-23—新年新心志 | 李健安牧师 | 2016 Feb 7 | |
马出埃及记20 : 12——第五诫命 : 要孝敬父母(四) 出埃及记20 : 12——第五诫命 : 要孝敬父母(四) 经文:出埃及记20:12
题目:第五诫命:要孝敬父母(四) First Peter彼得前书2:18 First Corinthians歌林多前书5:12-13 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Jan 31 | |
马太福音28 : 16-20 | 林裕涵传道 | 2016 Jan 24 | |
诗篇九十 : 得着智慧的心 诗篇九十 : 得着智慧的心 诗篇九十 Psalm : 90
得着智慧的心 Gaining A Heart of Wisdom | 李健安牧师 | 2016 Jan 17 | |
以弗所书2:16-18 以弗所书2:16-18 经文:以弗所书2:16-18
题目:到父的面前 图表 图表 Leviticus利未记21 Leviticus利未记14:2;13:45-46 Numbers民数记31 Leviticus利未记14:13;4:4 Leviticus利未记21:16-23 Hebrews希伯来书10:19,22 John约翰福音的4:23 Hebrews希伯来书8:2;9:24 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Jan 10 | |
出埃及记20 : 12——第五诫命 : 要孝敬父母(三) 出埃及记20 : 12——第五诫命 : 要孝敬父母(三) 经文:出埃及记20:12
题目:第五诫命:要孝敬父母(三) First Samuel撒母耳记上3:10-14 First Samuel撒母耳记上2:23-25 Deuteronomy申命记21:18-21 G I Williamsom:Anyone who reacts negatively against God’s laws, he is something wrong。 First Samuel撒母耳记上4:18 问129:长辈(或位分大的)对晚辈(或位分小的)应尽什么责任? 答: (一)按照他们从神所受的权柄,和他们与晚辈的关系,爱护他们、为他们祷告、祝福; (二)教训、劝勉、提醒、告诫他们; (三)鼓励好行为,表扬称赞、嘉奖之; (四)不赞同坏行为,责备、管教惩罚之; (五)保护、供应他们灵魂和身体一切的需要; (六)莊重、智慧、圣洁、以身作则,使神得荣耀,自己受尊重,神所赐的权柄得保护。 Ephesians以弗所6:2 Philip Graham Ryken:The expression “live long in the land” is a Hebrew phrase for the fullness of God’s blessing。It means to have an abundant life。 | 刘嘉文牧师 | 2016 Jan 3 |